Sherwood Wisdom Compass and Boot
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This is a feature-rich and functional liquid filled compass manufactured bySherwood Scuba. The convenient side window allows quick reference of large,easy to read bearing indicators on a luminescent display for gun-sightaccuracy. Divers who prefer relative navigation, will appreciate the ratchetbezel that can be rotated easily even with thick neoprene gloves.The compas'luminous dial is designed with a half black / half luminous graphic to makequick work of compass direction, especially in dim light. The compass cardrests on a precision jeweled bearing and incorporates extremely strong magnetsfor super-quick response and accuracy. While the compass module itself is verycompact, the housing has a large vertical interior allowing viewing anglesthat would stop other compasses in their tracks. The compass bezel has compassheadings in 30 numbered increments and indicator marks for every 10. Bezelhas twin heading indicators for alignment of compass course and a lubber lineacross the compass face.
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