Explore the many fresh water springs that abound in north central Florida and discover the world underwater.  A club member is diving almost every day.  


What are you waiting for?

Come join us in the Scuba Monkey Dive Club



If you are a water enthusiast and live in the Gainesville FL or surrounding areas, we have the meeting place that will support you and your diving goals regardless of experience. With over 300 members from the area you are sure to meet new people that share your passion for Scuba or Freediving.

Our focus is to offer our members and fellow divers connection to education, equipment, environment and experiences through monthly meetings, events and travel opportunities.  Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Dive Shop with occasional (and announced) changes.   In addition to our domestic travels, we also venture to international dive destinations!  We go to Cozumel, Mexico each spring for a week of luxury accommodations, sunshine, and sensational diving, and then pack our bags for warmer climates each fall with a spectacular fall trip to Roatan or Belize.  Coming in 2025 we will be exploring Fiji. 

Someone in the club is diving almost every day so come connect with this supportive and friendly group of divers.   

Membership is based on activity and gives you access to club-exclusive discounts on our wide assortment of rental equipment, discounts on purchase of new diving equipment, local, national and international dive trips, and educational offerings from open water diver to divemaster, and beyond.

If you are not currently a certified diver or you are looking for advanced certification please see our learn to dive page for more information.


     Upcoming Dive Club events                                                                                                                                                                          
             July 2024
                    Dive Club meeting  - 7/2/2024 CANCELLED
                    Dive Club Dive - Still working on a location and a date.   Thinking Rainbow River night dive.  Stay tuned
           August 2024
                    Dive Club meeting  - 8/6/2024 @ 6:00pm in the shop - Featured speaker Mr. Evan Cooper of the Sea Turtle Conservancy
                    Dive Club Dive - Lets see how the springs are looking....


  Dive Club Meeting Summaries - What did you miss?

             June 2024 (not really a meeting, just food and fun...)

              May 2024

             April 2024

             March 2024

             February 2024

             January 2024

             November 2023

             October 2023

             September 2023

              August 2023


   Dive Club Photos

             June 2024 Club Dive

             May 2024 Club Dive

             April 2024 Club Meeting

             March 2024 Club Dive

              February 2024 Club Dive

             January 2024 Club Dive

              November 2023 Club Dive

              Halloween 2023 Club Dive

              October 2023 Club Meeting & Dive






How can I join in and get involved?   

Up until now club membership required people to come to the shop and sign up for the dive club and pay a yearly $50.00 membership fee.  With this process each member's anniversary date was different, and for those club members outside the Gainesville/Alachua area that weren't able to get to the shop easily, it wasn't always convenient to come in and deal with the renewal process even though they often came to club dives and meetings.   Lastly, because everyone had the same yearly fee regardless of participation, it wasn't always easy to see the benefits of club membership in a clear way.   
So starting in 2024 we will roll out improvements in the club membership process to do three things:
  • Alleviate members from having to pay the annual fee. 
  • Provide a way for those who live outside of the area to have improved participation. 
  • Clearly define membership benefits for all based on activity.


Below is the new dive club structure and membership benefits.  Member benefit levels will be based on activity and will be one of 4 designations:  Standard, Silver, Gold and Platinum.  Activity will be tracked across yearly purchases through Scuba Monkey Dive Center and benefit levels will be re-set in January of each year based on the prior year activity.  Membership spend can be for rentals, retail sales, trips or classes and the spend can be done in either of the Scuba Monkey Dive Center marketplaces (in the shop or via the dive shop webstore) so even those outside of the local area can participate.

Standard Member Level - Any purchase within the previous 2 years.


  • Monthly Dive invitations
  • Monthly Meeting invitations
  • Inclusion in Facebook Scuba Monkey Dive Club group alerts/messages/invites


Silver Member Level - >$500.00 spend in previous year.


  • All benefits of Standard Level.
  • 1/2 off full gear rental packages (1 per visit)
  • 1/2 off tank rental (1 per visit)
  • 2% off retail purchases

Gold Member Level - >$1500.00 spend in previous year.


  • All benefits of Standard Level.
  • 1/2 off full gear rental packages (1 per visit)
  • 1/2 off tank rental (1 per visit)
  • 5% off retail purchases
  • 2% off travel/training purchases

Platinum Member Level - >$2500.00 spend in previous year.


  • All benefits of Standard Level
  • 1/2 off full gear rental packages (1 per visit)
  • 1/2 off tank rental (1 per visit)
  • 7.5% off retail purchases
  • 5% off travel/training purchases


Scuba Monkey Dive Club


