You just set up your equipment for the first dive of your vacation in SaintSomewhere, as you press the activation button on your dive computer it goesthrough the diagnostic screen and what do you see the "Low Batt" Icon appears.The worst thing that can happen on a tropical vacation has just happen No DiveComputer. Don't leave on a vacation without spare batteries, why ruin a greatholiday because of a few dollars in batteries. This Kit works with theSherwood Amphos Dive Computers (see SKU's: SWDAAW, SWDAW, SWDAAWT). Includedwith the kit are a 3.0-volt lithium CR2430 battery, battery hatch O-ring, anda small tube of O-ring silicone lubricant. Kit is factory approved and makes agreat save-a-dive-kit item. Always pack some spares, don't forget your divelight needs some too!
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