Sherwood MACCO 2 BLACK SILICONE (Black Silicone)
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Sherwoods Macco mask provides a unique sub-frame design for greater stabilityand better fit than most masks. The single tempered glass lens is bondeddirectly to the soft silicone skirt. Made with the highest quality siliconeskirt and strap, this mask is nothing but comfort. The unique quick disconnectbuckle and pivoting point allow the strap to move forward on the mask formaximum comfort and easy adjustment. The Maccos unique construction deliversall of the qualities youd expect in a professional dive mask, with a lightermore comfortable fit. Other frameless masks anchor the strap buckle on theflexible mask skirt. The Macc strap system attaches directly to the stablesub-frame and utilizes Sherwoods Quick Disconnect buckle to evenly distributecontact pressure against the face. The result is unprecedented comfortthroughout your dive. Ideal for all diving environments, from tropical topolar. The unique design allows the mask to be folded up small and can fit ina BC pocket for the ideal back up mask as well.
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