If you have your computer mounted in a console or your computer is an airintegrated model you know the hassle of having to dismount your entireregulator from the cylinder to log or download your dive information. With asimple quarter turn by hand; you can easily Pop-It-Off" the HP Hose. Sincetools are not required, one can quickly remove the computer module to beprotected, kept secure or downloaded. When ready for use again the gauge canbe quickly reconnected, safely and securely. Sherwood's Quick Disconnect isdesigned for the Wisdom Series Computer (see SKU's: SWDW3, SWDW3C), but withthe addition of a HP air spool (see SKU: XSSASB) can also work with anyconsole computer. It also allows you to pack your computer in carry-on"luggage when you travel for safe keeping. It is fast and reliable. QD hose ismanufactured for 5000 psi (345 bars) service and has chrome plated marinegrade brass fittings on both ends for long life and durability. The quick-disconnect hose is manufactured to be Nitrox compatible.
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