Shearwater Petrel 3 Computer
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The PETREL 3 gives divers our most connected experience. A stunning, easy-to-read, 2.6 AMOLED display is protected by a toughened glass lens, titaniumbezel, and piezo touch buttons. Air integration is standard with up to fourShearwater transmitters to customise a solution from open circuit torebreather and bailout gas pressure monitoring. Safety is increased with astrong vibration alert system, and a user-changeable AA battery offers longdive times and ease of replacement. PETREL 3 is available in standalone orrebreather monitoring models, including DiveCAN, 4-pin AK, and Fischer portconnections. Multiple Diving Modes Air / Nitrox / 3 Gas Nitrox Easy andintutive operation out of the box Optionally air integrated OC TechnicalTrimix enabled by default Optionally air integrated CC/BO ClosedCircuit/Bailout Trimix enabled Constant PO2 for closed circuit Optionally airintegrated for diluent, oxygen and bailout gases. Gauge Depth, time,resettable stop watch function Full dive logging Tank pressure informationaccessible in the information screens Simple and Powerful Large, easy-to-readdisplay 6.60cm / 2.6 bright and clear AMOLED display Impact resistanttoughened aluminosilicate glass screen with superior clarity Two ButtonInterface Easy to navigate, state aware menu structure User Replaceable AABattery The Petrel 3 works with any type of standard AA battery DigitalCompass Three Axis, tilt compensated, digital compass Available in all modesStrong vibration warning alerts Bluetooth Wireless Technology Smart readyBluetooth wireless technology for communication with PC, Mac, iPod and iPadMultiple Languages Languages include: English, French, Simplified Chinese,Traditional Chinese, German, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, Italian, andSpanish. Cloud Control Analyze your dive log, deco profile, temperature andmore. Download and display dive logs quickly using Bluetooth wirelesstechnology. You can display as much or as littl
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