Shearwater Peregrine Computer
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Embark on your adventure into diving with Shearwater. The Peregrine is asimple and easily accessible, full colour, multi-gas dive computer. With thePeregrine we simplified operations and made a computer that is easy to use fordivers of all experience levels. The Peregrine is your ideal companion formany adventures to come. Multi Diving Modes There are 4 diving modes: Air (Forrecreational diving) Nitrox (Single gas up to 40%) 3 Gas Nitrox (Up to 100%O2) Gauge (Depth, time, resettable stop watch function) Simple and PowerfulThe Peregrine has a full colour 5.59 cm LED LCD screen with vivid, enhancedcolour range and saturation display. It has simplified recreational divingmodes with full decompression support. The diver can easily navigate andcustomize important diving information displayed on the home screen.Shearwater dive computers never lockout for dive plan deviations. ThePeregrine is best suited for Air and Nitrox divers that want a great screen atan exceptional value with a simplified feature set. User Customizable Display- Customize your display with information important to you. Wireless Charging- Battery life per charge is up to 30 hours on medium brightness level. USBwireless charging station is included. Multiple Languages - Languages include:English, French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, German, Portuguese,Korean, Japanese, Italian, Italian and Spanish. In the Dive Log menu, a divercan quickly view detailed graphs and dive information such as a dive log list,water temperature changes, depth, start and end time, surface interval timeand more, all easily available at the divers fingertips. The Peregrine has aquick NDL planner and intuitive DECO planner that divers can use to plan theirdives. The decompression algorithm that Shearwater uses is the Bhlmann GFalgorithm. Cloud Control Divers can easily link their Peregrine dive computervia a bluetooth connection, allowing them to share informa
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