Do you really have to give up your sense of style when buying scuba gear? Thepeople at Scuba Pro don't think so! That's why they designed the new SpectraMask. This Low-Profile, High-Comfort Mask is available is Five Stylish Colors,thanks to an Innovative New Metallic Paint Method Process on the Frame thatgives the Mask a Rich Look of Stylish Eye-Wear. The Spectra Mask doesn't justlook good. It is a Prime Mask, in terms of Function. The Spectra Mask has aDouble Feathered Edge High Quality Silicone Rubber Skirt and Wide Split StyleSilicone Rubber Mask Strap that combine to create a Perfect Seal on the Face.The Dual Tempered Glass Lens Design allows for Maximum Underwater Vision andthe Intake of Light. Mask is equipped with an Easy-to-Reach One-Hand NosePocket for Ear Equalization which can be utilized even when wearing thickgloves. The Mask is equipped with Easy to Adjust Swivel Buckle System. It'sLow-Profile Low Volume Personality means Clearing the Mask is an EffortlessTask. Because the Spectra Mask has Two Lenses, you'll be able to Clearly-and-Easily see more of what surrounds you. The Lenses of the Mask are made from anUltra Clear Glass. Standard Glass has a Green Tint. The Green Tint you see isthe result of Iron Impurities left over in Lower Quality Float" or Window typeGlass. That Green Tint Distorts True Colors and Blocks-Out some of the Lightthat Reaches the Eye. Ultra-Clear is a new and exciting Optical QualityTempered Glass with Exception
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