Scubapro Spectra Mask (Black/Bronze)

Scubapro Spectra Mask (Black/Bronze)


Availability: In Stock (1)

Part Number:24.847.830 Manufacturer: ScubaPro Color: Black/Bronze
Do you really have to give up your sense of style when buying scuba gear? Thepeople at Scuba Pro don't think so! That's why they designed the new SpectraMask. This Low-Profile, High-Comfort Mask is available is Five Stylish Colors,thanks to an Innovative New Metallic Paint Method Process on the Frame thatgives the Mask a Rich Look of Stylish Eye-Wear. The Spectra Mask doesn't justlook good. It is a Prime Mask, in terms of Function. The Spectra Mask has aDouble Feathered Edge High Quality Silicone Rubber Skirt and Wide Split StyleSilicone Rubber Mask Strap that combine to create a Perfect Seal on the Face.The Dual Tempered Glass Lens Design allows for Maximum Underwater Vision andthe Intake of Light. Mask is equipped with an Easy-to-Reach One-Hand NosePocket for Ear Equalization which can be utilized even when wearing thickgloves. The Mask is equipped with Easy to Adjust Swivel Buckle System. It'sLow-Profile Low Volume Personality means Clearing the Mask is an EffortlessTask. Because the Spectra Mask has Two Lenses, you'll be able to Clearly-and-Easily see more of what surrounds you. The Lenses of the Mask are made from anUltra Clear Glass. Standard Glass has a Green Tint. The Green Tint you see isthe result of Iron Impurities left over in Lower Quality Float" or Window typeGlass. That Green Tint Distorts True Colors and Blocks-Out some of the Lightthat Reaches the Eye. Ultra-Clear is a new and exciting Optical QualityTempered Glass with Exception

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