ScubaPro R095 Octopus
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Dive with confidence with the SCUBAPRO R095 octopus, an economical secondstage with a well-earned reputation for safety and reliability. SCUBAPROsclassic downstream valve design pairs with the Venturi-Initiated Vacuum Assistto produce a smooth, hassle-free breathing performance on every dive. The R095is pre-tuned to your optimal inhalation volume, making it easy anduncomplicated to use during emergencies. With a high-visibility yellow purgecover and a 39-inch yellow hose, youll have no trouble sharing the octopuswith a buddy in need. Sturdy and versatile, the R095 includes a reversiblehose attachment feature that pairs up with sidemount, pony, or deco tanks.Driven to constantly innovate and improve the diving experience, SCUBAPRObuilds flawless equipment for the work, sport, and lifestyle of people whosepassion is found below the surface. Includes ultra-comfortable orthodonticmouthpiece; weighs 0.85 pounds; one-year warranty.
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