Henderson Hot Skins Fullsuit (Black / Blue, Small)
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The sheer versatility of Hot Skins has made them a staplefor all types of ocean lovers, especially divers and snorkelers.Made either from premium grade spandex or robust Polyolefin,they help shield the skin from abrasion, UV rays and biologicalirritants. Spandex Hot Skins are sewn from material prized forits stretch and strength. Durable overlock stitching is usedon the full-body jumpsuits. Combined withattractive styling, Hot Skins look great, allow for nearly totalfreedom of movement and stand up to the rigors of an activelifestyle. They make donning your wetsuit easier, help prevent chaffing from seamsand add a noticeable measure of warmth. Each full-lengthjumpsuit comes equipped with thumb loops, heel straps anda tough, non-corrosive zipper.
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