Akona Adult Mask, Snorkel, Fin L/XL Set

Akona Adult Mask, Snorkel, Fin L/XL Set


Availability: In Stock (12)

Part Number:AKTS-AS-TI Manufacturer: Sherwood Scuba Group
The perfect snorkel travel set for adventurous kids who want to explore theocean. The open heel design allows the fin to grow with your child. They won'tgrow out of them in one summer. The set includes a dual tempered glass lensmask for optical clarity. The dual lens design brings the mask lenses closerto the eyes while the lens reverse teardrop shape provides a wide field ofvision and extremely good downward view. The mask has a silicone skirt with adouble feathered edge for smooth and effective sealing to the cheeks andforehead. The easily adjust buckle system allows simple adjustments to themask strap with no slipping. Mask has a wide hair-safe elastic strap designthat works in concert with the double edge of the skirt for a perfect seal onthe face. The mask has a large easy to reach one hand nose pocket for earequalization. The included snorkel is designed to provide a completely drydiving experience for divers and snorkelers. The dry top chamber allows forair to flow freely, but close quickly with the first wave or dip of your head.The deep base receptacle will capture any would be water without impactingyour breathing experience. Silicone mouthpiece will give you hours free fromjaw fatigue. When you are out snorkeling and want to surface dive to look atsomething that has caught your eye up close this dry snorkel seals out waterwhen submerged. Once you return to the surface there is no need to blow intothe snorkel to remove water because the dry valve kept it out of the breathingtube. The mouthpiece fits comfortably in your mouth for hours of snorkelingfun. The silicone mouthpiece is also replaceable and can be removed easilywhen replacement is necessary. The flexible lower tube makes the snorkelperfect for Scuba by automatically swing out of the way when you are usingyour scuba regulator. The reservoir lower mouthpiece section with its one-waypurge valve makes clearing the snorkel quick and easy once you surface from ascuba dive.

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