AB Biller 42 Special Mahogany Speargun (42in)
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Most spear guns are made of 3 basic materials metal aluminum and wood. Eachhas items own benefits. A wood: wood guns are preferred by many experiencedspearos and Spearing Champions. AB Biller wood guns are often their choice.Why choose woodsias beautiful. Which wood is best for metals a matter of whichlook you prefer. There are three types of wood choices mahogany, pad auk andteak. AB Biller mahogany guns have 3 coats of polyurethane that give a niceshine mahogany wood. Pad auk has a deep cherry color with swirly, interlockinggrains. Teak is a highly valued wood with a light brown color accentuating thegrains in the wood. Both teak and pad auk are hand rubbed with boiled linseedoil giving the guns a perfect finish. There are practical reasons to buy awood gun. AB Biller wood guns are more accurate, quiet and neutrally buoyantfor easy handling underwater. Versatility: are you fishing in limitedvisibility, or crystal clear water shunting for big fish or smaller fish, fastswimmers or fish hiding in the Rocks and wrecks brand name internal guns canbe easily altered to make the perfect gun. A spearo can easily change shaftsfor either speed, distance or power. Most guns have shafts that canaccommodate an extra power band for added power or distance. The majority ofAB Biller guns come with threaded shafts so tips can be changed in an instant.As a underwater Hunter you can simply modify all AB Biller guns to meet a widevariety of situations. Features: double barb rock point tip: hardenedstainless steel5/16 inch stainless steel shaft two 9/16" rubber slings sizerange:24" range 6 foot32" range 8 foot36" range 9 foot42" range 10 foot48"range 12 foot54" range 13 foot60" range 15 foot.
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